Onionverse Fan!

- Access to comic pages previews, WIP and PIN-UPS, made by the Unrated Designs Crew.
- Verás las previews de las páginas, y también los procesos de trabajo semanales y PIN UPS exclusivas del estudio de Unrated Comics.
GO! Ensign

per month
- Access to comic pages previews, WIP and PIN-UPS, made by the Unrated Designs Crew.
- You can read all SFW version of the Green Onions comics (Green Onnions, Green Onions Undercover, specials, etc.) (2-4 pages) weakly.
- Verás las previews de las páginas, y también los procesos de trabajo semanales y PIN UPS exclusivas del estudio de Unrated Comics.
- Podrás leer todas las versiones SFW de los comics de Green Onions (Green Onnions, Green Onions Undercover, specials, etc.) (2-4 páginas) semanales
GO! Commander

per month
- Access to comic pages previews, WIP and PIN-UPS, made by the Unrated Designs Crew.
- You can read all the SFW version of the Green Onions comics (Green Onnions, Green Onions Undercover, specials, etc.) (2-4 pages) weakly.
- You can read the NSFW version of the Green Onions comics
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- Podrás leer la versión de adultos de los comics de Green Onions
per month佛跳墙2025永久蓝奏

I am Iván Sarnago, a Spanish cartoonist with several years experience in drawing and the comic-book genre, which unfortunately does not have a large enough market in Spain to be developed into a sustainable career.
I am here to present PENULTIMATES to you on Patreon, a “multi-genre“ comic that combines what I like most about comic-books. A spacecraft, a crew, loads of crazy B-Movie adventures, eroticism and plenty of humor; the super-heroic tradition includes fun, continuity errors, sub plots and plot twists in the traditional American comic book style.
Some colleagues are going to help me a little in these first six months, with color, ink, translation and whatever needs to be done.

Coming soon, we open UNRATED COMICS, an online comic-book publishing. The Penultimates, Leticia Kû, Green Onions, Help and other characters from the Onionverse are waiting!

$18.93 of $140 per month
The publication will increase from 1 to 2 weekly deliveries.
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